Dr O'Boyle

Science Tuition

As parents our children’s GCSE education is at the forefront of our minds. But for most there simply isn’t enough time in the day to track every detail of our children’s school life. We want our children to succeed. But knowing what areas of education to tackle can be a challenge in our busy lives. Especially in a complicated subject such as Science.


In my many years teaching in schools I have seen what becomes of a child’s GCSE education when left unchecked. Even the brightest pupils can fall off the waggon when a gap in their knowledge isn’t rectified with sufficient explanation.

This especially important in Science where previous knowledge built on with new information. Like building a house. If there are gaps in the wall there is nowhere to place the next brick and the building falls apart.


I offer my online GCSE tutoring services to find and fill in those missing gaps. Making sure all the bricks of knowledge are put in the correct place. Cementing in a comprehensive understanding of Biology, Chemistry and Phisics that have boosted the grades of hundreds of children in my teaching career.

Science doesn’t have to be complicated!

Chemistry, Physics and Biology can be FUN and challenging areas of our education that if studied and applied correctly can take us down many different successful career paths.

I aim to make understanding science as simple and stress free as possible.